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为深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于教育的重要论述,Implement the Overall Plan for Deepening the Reform of Educational Evaluation in the New Era issued by the CPC Central Committee and the Specific Measures for Implementing Key Tasks of Educational Evaluation Reform in the New Era in Liaoning Province,It is declared by all localities and schools,Provincial administrative departments of education check,A total of 87 pilot projects for deepening educational evaluation reform in the new era were finalized,Our school is listed among them.。

In the next step, the school will strengthen the management of the pilot project, develop working ideas, innovate working methods, seriously do a good job of stage assessment and process summary, and form replicable and popularizing experience。At the same time, the school will strengthen exchanges and learning with other approved reform pilot colleges and universities, and strive to explore more good experiences and good practices for deepening the reform of educational evaluation in the new era。